
Joe Brabenec

Ask @joebrabenec

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besides alice have you had any other love interests?

Like, in my life? Lol yes, I've liked people before

I unfortunately was not there for your council so that makes sense! Hope you're doing well (:

Ahh gotcha. I'm doing very well, thank you! I hope you are too :)

I was in your philosophy class and I was wondering why you rarely showed up to class? We missed having you there!

I talked about that in my council if you were there, I really didn't want to miss any classes but I had really bad migraines and missed a lot of school.

What do you like about Alice the most?

Oh god that's a tough question. In terms of our relationship, I like our level of communication the most. I think it's really strong for how early on things are. As an individual ... Id have to think about that more, there's so much :p

Not trying to be rude but... I went to high school with you and your friend group and you guys were really obnoxious and thought you were so cool for being the "stoners". The way you guys treat other people is gross too.

I don't think you knew us very well then. We didn't think we were cool for being the "stoners", that's actually something we talked about a lot about how we should get out and do stuff more. As for how we treat people, my friends are some of the kindest people I've ever known, and unless you have some sort of example I think you're entirely wrong in saying that

Why does half of your friend group act like they're superior to the other half?

I don't think that's true at all, so I can't answer that.

i don't wanna be mean but why didn't you graduate with pioneer? I was close to you in the b's - hint - and I saw you weren't there. I haven't seen you since hope youre okay

Missed a fuckload of school due to migraines and was a credit & a half short of graduating, half a credit from walking at commencement. I'm doing a lot better now and I'm going to get my diploma. Thanks for your concern :)

What college do you want to attend?

I'm going to go to WCC, after that depends on what I want to go into/where I get accepted.

Where do you go to college?

I'm not in college right now, I've been working this year to save up a bit.

What do you want to do in life?

I'm not sure yet. I'd love to do something involving music, but that's what I'm going to go to college to figure out!

This was all your choice I had nothing to do with this

I know but I dont want you to have to deal with that

You're cool and all, but isn't ask.fm for middle schoolers... #stuckinmiddleschool

Hahaha no I agree, I made one for a pretty dumb reason

Good luck! I shop there a lot, maybe I'll see you around :)

Thank you! Yeah maybe, I don't know who you are though


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