

Ask @joedavison69

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ops on estelle and Anish

Estelle tunstall ~ had loads of memories, went out. Hot, very honest and sweet.
Anish ~ don't know the guy that well

Explain what life really is?

Life is wonderful, life is weird. But life is also something new. You don't realise that your alive until your quite old because you don't remember stuff when you were younger and what I mean by that is when you are 1/2. But there's so much shit to say about life, you go through so many stagings in life. But then there's you and the whole world. sooner or later you will be on your own. If you already feel like your on your own, I feel for you. Because the people who have been through the most shit, is the people I respect the most because Ik how they feel. But then you have your friends and family, friends come and go but family stays with you. But then there's that one special person, the person you apparently love, the person that you only care about and the person you only think about. the person you want to be with all of your life. No, just no. Fuck love. Because love is the most powerful weapon on earth. Cause as soon as you met that one person and you've been out and shit. As soon as you break up your like strangers and it's horrible. It's like the year before you didn't even know they exist. You wouldn't even know them a year before. But there's different types of love. People are ment to be with each other and other people aren't. Love is a big thing but love can fuck up your life completely and it's not nice. But then there's school, school is an asshole. But school is the only one thing that can make your life easy or hard. Without a education your fucked basically. Everyone has dreams and everyone has something on there minds, but the most important thing is they shouldn't be worrying about anyone on the fucking plant accept themselves. Everyone's wants a happy family in the future but not everyone gets one. Us as kids we don't understand what's going to happen in the future cause tbh anything can happen and I mean anything. Something could go wrong, people change or it's just maybe because you can't be fucked with life anymore just because of that one person. Everyone's weird in there own way but everyone's also beautiful in there own way, it's not all about the looks. People do have personalities too. But yeah that's my opinion about shitty life. Peace:') xo

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