
Colin Coelho

Ask @jok3r24X7

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He wonders how someone so close to him was so far from him .. Why was she evading him? Why was she running away ? Is it because he knew too much? Or was it that she wasn't interested in their friendship anymore? She seemed normal and particularly close to another not so good guy. He was being protective and maybe pushing too much. Was that jealousy or possessiveness on his side? He never knew. He couldn't figure it. They liked each other but at different times. His love for her never died, even while he was with someone else. He wanted to be with someone who shares the same ideals of courtship as he did.
Was that hypocritical on his part ? He expected too much ? She doesn't like him anymore ? Nothing was clear at all. Maybe it was just him clinging on to their fading friendship. He couldn't get himself to see a life without her . There were just so many problems and no solutions . He has feelings for her but he Wouldn't dare. Not cause he isn't sure of the feelings. It's cause he doesn't want to lose her and he had just been out of a bad relationship. His trust in love and himself was crashing rapidly ! He was picking himself up piece by piece. He never knew why she didn't have time for him ? What was happening ? She was spending so much of time with other people she didn't have time for him. He knew her at the back of his head . Maybe that's what she didn't want to happen. She was a beautiful adorable and amazingly unique girl with so many secrets. He knew that she built a bubble for herself to escape or maybe alter reality. He knew on any other day or at any other time he'd love her like she never felt the pain. But not now , now he was just so torn apart. He knew he had love in him but he was scared to showing his affection. He thought she'd see it but she never did. Maybe destiny didn't want them to be together. Maybe it did.

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like=We should......Screw this question... And you should cook some food for me??? So I can have a peaceful sleep...Come soon Collaaaaa??

Rachel Dsouza
11 more days Rajjo .. And yes we will screw this question, you take the front I'll take the back ?. Let's go hard on this one ???. and You'll have to sleep peacefully or I'll crack really sad jokes .. p.s Go easy on the food I cook , I'm very lazy to cook twice a day ??

views on rachel

. Before I spoke to her, I had thought she had lots of attitude. Turns out she doesn't have even 1% of it, once you get to know her. We started speaking in the most unexpected situation and we hold the record for becoming good friends in the least amount of time (2 hours {try beating that!} ). She maybe turning 18 but she sounds like she's 12. She comes across as a very sweet person and we clicked really fast ! oh and yea she's cute and stupid (ex M.I.G - can't really blame her for that )...... P.S: she loves sleeping ..

There's this girl im totally in love with.I asked her out but she that she doesnt want to be in a relationship and can never have feelings for anybody.We talk to each other everyday we are like really turning into good friends.Even she told me that she doesnt wanna lose me.Should I ask her out again

First off Never say never
Secondly We as humans are always stuck between if 'its meant to be it will' and 'if you want it go get it!' Since you've asked me this question, My advice would be to wait it out Get know her man! Find that one thing in her (eyes voice talking style.. something,anything) that drives you crazy Get to know her well Make her laugh Don't fall for temporary infatuation, It can ruin! So yea Wait it out till you are sure about it ! Don't push it, Give her, her space and make the best part earn her trust and respect and Bro once you have earned that, You will sorted af!
so yaa wait it out
All the best
Keep me posted ..

Bro she's never coming back, anyway thanks for your help ? #stay blessed

It's OK Bro. If things happened the way we wanted them to, we would never really need God. He'll have bigger plans for you .. Someone better Someone out of the blue ... You know what they say, the best things come to you at the time you least expect it .. Chill Don't over think don't over stress Listen to some music (non cranky ones ) n eat !
Liked by: Roxanne Saumya Jain

Bro she's unpredictable I don't know what to do, she's giving me hints that she's not coming back, but I miss her so much, can you give me some tips on how to get her back or what conversation should I have with her etc?

Then have a conversation where in you see yourself just as a normal friend. P.S it'll be very tough. Don't talk only about getting back .. Show her that she is an important part of your life but not the only important part of your life .. Girls don't like leeches (most of them) so don't be one. Be her friend like you'll were at the start .. You have to be at your best. You can't show her that you are desperate to get her back even though you are .
Liked by: Roxanne

funny story?

This happened on the first day of college. I was in the bus, crowded with people and the conductor was like move on one side (for those who have been to Goa you'll know what I'm saying ) and I was frustrated so I search for a place to sit ... now there's a guy who is sitting on the ladies seat and there's an old aunty standing next to it .. I gather some courage and tell that man to get up and let the old lady sit. He tells me to mind my own business, So I look him in the eye (I still don't know what made me so filmy at that time ) and said "You should be ashamed of yourself" (and in my mind I was like "OK Colin seed of guilt well sown") rightly enough he gets up and looks at me with the same look we look at people who shit on the roadside. I reach college and I feel so proud of myself. I notice that he enters the college as well (tab meri gaand fatna chaalu ho jata haï ) I go get dressed and all and reach the class 5 min late ... I look in to see who the teacher is and Guess what ! It's the shit look guy and he says with pure pure vengeance .. "On the first day you aren't punctual, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF "

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Liked by: Sherwyn Roxanne

Bro help I have this friend of mine who got a gf after me and they weren't perfect, not like me and my gf, but now we are not together and they are still going good and I feel so lonely, I still love my girl but she doesn't want me back how do I get her?

if you'll broke up by you breaking her trust more than once then maybe you won't get her back .. If that isn't the case then become her friend once again, don't rush. White lies like "I'm cool with us being friends" is a necessity. Gain her trust confidence .. help her talk to her but don't tell her that you like her .. even if she asks you for the first couple of times .. But don't be over caring, around her all the freaking time, in short just act normal .. Don't be extra loving and all, these girls are smart they catch hints and if they don't like it , they'll repel and that's not a good sight .. So ya be friends however hard it hurts show her you care but the main part is she should she it . OK ? keep me updated .. All the best ?

Your Whatsapp status says bad day alert. Everything alright?

message me on WhatsApp na then
. Ajeeb haï ré tu !

You're the funniest guy I know ?

hahaha thank you ... Untick please .. me post nahi karnaar! Aaai shappath! !

They say you learn a person at the end of a relationship... Views on celeste!

She's a very caring girl. Messages you 24x7 . She's the only one who laughed at my lame ass jokes.. laughed ah .. no grin and all.. Direct laugh!! She's very pretty and sometimes she let's her emotions get the better of her and then she does stuff what she thinks is right .. She's very quick to apologize though .. Her dressing sense is baaap! Her poses ... ufff. . she loves to hug .. She can hug you all day .. like a teddy bear only thinner ?? Whenever we went out I used to act all spazzy and she used to laugh ... and give me that "everybody is looking, what are you doing!" wala face .. She's a bad franky eater ... ??? Ed sheeran is her world .. you abuse him and welcome to battleground my friend ! She's very cute .. I wish her the best of luck .. Her soul's beautiful. She just needs to be a little more positive that's all ..

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Liked by: Saumya Jain

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

Gossips, Rumours, Your Past, Your approval etc etc ..


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