

Ask @jonathan_chang

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um excuse me I don't recall meeting you through food

i guess we arent best friends then?!?!? (ouch)
lol jaykay u dont need food u only need boys

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imitate andrew?

gosh whoever asked me this must think I know him very well.
"oh this is a stupid song" *listens to the song on repeat the next week*
"whats this song called?"
*listens to some jazz*
*watches basketball on youtube*
"jonathan how do you (insert basically any chore)"
"jonathan how do you make (insert basically any food)"
"how was 6th grade? was it hard?"
"how was 7th grade? was it hard?"
"how was 8th grade? was it hard?"
"how was highschool? was it hard?"
*pokes his friends on facebook up to 500 times*
"wheres my chicken?"
"why does jonathan get one and I dont?"
"hey jonathan my iphone is better than your padfone. oh listen do u hear the quality of the sound? oh look i have 10 percent of battery life and you have 5 and we started to use it at the same time, mine is better"
"who are the good teachers in your grade?"
"NOO I HAVE (insert the teachers i didnt mention)"
"is math hard?"
"ill do trig next year"
I have mixed feelings about this... :)

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who will you miss nextyear thats leaving this year??

everyone! but a shoutout to ROBIN CAT NATALIE AND EMILY FOR BEING SUCH GOOD FRIENDS. you guys are honestly the best and i am going to miss you all so so so so much </3 lets meet up sometime!!!

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen in a museum?

i went to two museums today in xiamen!! both containing scary ass chinese mannequins. robin screamed cuz she thought a security guard was a mannequin and he moved. I think he was more scared of her than she was scared of him.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

It's always great to buy them gummy bears and listen to their problems. After all thats how I got my best friend :)

Lucky duck. I got that last time from espinal too. He graded my test as 78. Went home got beat, came back to school and he told me it was 92 LOL. anyways - gurij :)

lolol gurij :D we need another sleepover soon, its been a while
Liked by: Christophe

I was having a bad day and then I came to your ask <33

i love you <3 talk to me?!? im making cookies rn :)

What made your day today?

today has been a great day. i saw romeos naked bum. my teacher graded my math test as a 78 when it was actually 92. I did my final part of my research paper for asian history, i planned a pool party with lena, and my brother is away on china alive. Today has been great for a monday.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

one time i couldnt sleep and i started to think about drama performances and i was basically groaning and squeaking and stuttering and whispering and singing and humming and hissing and moaning and growling and grunting and rambling and whooping and crying and laughing and wriggling and rolling and jumping and crawling. since then my parents would knock b4 they come in. Thanks mr lee ;o

What do you do to entertain yourself?

lol ok this is pretty lame, i buy food and then i would hide them somewhere and forget about it. and then one day when im doing something else I find the food and basically it triggers my reward system and makes me happy that theres always food somewhere in the house.

Jonathan you have always been my favorite neighbor and its been so much fun to get to know you. You're super cool and its fun to bully emily with you :)

thanks misha~ bullying emily is the best ;)

jonathan you are hella cool and we used to talk way more last year and its sad that we don't really talk anymore but we should definitely catch up sometime!

thanks elaine :) and yeah we need to catch up!
Liked by: elaine

Hey man! You are very in my life, you are a really understanding person and are a great friend!!!

Jorge Rada
thanks! lol looks like ur english still needs some work. happy birthday :)
Liked by: Jorge Rada

your ranting skills are pretty great and i love how you're often the only one who agrees with me

omg if u call that ranting then you've only seen like half of me. moe knows how much i rant. and its not healthy. but yes i do agree with you for MOST of the time ;)

jonathaan i see you everyday afterschool haha and you are super kind and cute ok bye

ahaha thanks! you're really nice too :)

JONATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are such a cool/nice/funny person!! LOL i'm so glad we got closer last year especially (C&A LOL) and it's très bon that we are in the same french class or i would probably fail that class...

haha thanks lena :) C&A was cool and we definitely have to do that again. OH and lets plan another end of year party
Liked by: Lena Z.

you've always been a supportive friend and you still are <3 i can both be completely silly and ridiculous around you and serious and you'll always be understanding~ im lucky to have you as a friend

ahhh <33 so much love. you're the bestt and probably the longest friend i have kept in touch constantly with. and i dont think ill be able to handle it when i move :///
Liked by: Ruby

hello jonathan!!! you're so nice and so smart and such a good friend and wow you're great you're always there to cheer me up and help me out! ily <33

ahahha thank youu <3 your the best its great that we got really close this yearr :)
Liked by: cat

I appreciate the fact that you listen to others. Thank you.

Thankss, everyone needs that one person who they can just rant to :)

don't forget that your life is worthing living for and you're amazing in your own special way! have a great day and keep smiling! :) *this is a random act of kindness and i hope you'll pass it on to others as well!*

aw, you made my pretty horrible thursday turn into a pretty good one thanks :) i need people like u in my life <3


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