
Jordan Mission

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yeah, it would probably be best.. so far I've done alright though, I haven't talked to her since last night

yeah give her time and space. come back to her when the dust settles a bit when youve both had time to think stuff through properly

yeah, tbh I'm thinking of just de-activating ask

hmm yeah, thats not necissary unless you really want to. otherwise just resist going on here for a few days haha and then come back and see how things are. up to you

she's already told me she's been reading them...

yep exactly, that's why I think it would be best to stop answering her friends questions because they are not trying to help at all, they think it's all a bit of fun

yeah man exactly that. and idek I feel like there just trying to mess with my feelings tbh :/

well yeah they probably are, teenage girls can be heartless bitches at times. anyway, maybe just give it a few days, let things settle down and stop answering those questions from anon's you get about tamara (it only makes it worse cus she obviously sees them all). and yeah after a few days see how she's going and see if you can work things out

yeah, just a little bit

ahhhhhh. so lets get this straight. you like her and you guys talked and things were good, until she suddenly seemed distant and uninterested right? then tonight she seemed nicer and apoligetic about stuff, and her friends are spamming your page? what are you feeling to do at this time?

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