
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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If you had a penny for every time someone spelt or pronounced your first, middle, or last name wrong, or called you be the wrong name entirely, how rich would you be?

Very very rich haha iv had load of people say my last name wrong and then to top it off my dad always calls me by my brothers names before he gets to mine haha so yh id be a billionaire :)

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Would you rather be in a constant dream like state, your dream is your idea of perfection and you will know no difference from reality. Or carry on with your normal life????

i dunno as if in the dream like state everyone was the same as in real life but the dream was the way i made it it would be really cool but i know reality would feel a whole lot better as we all know that we cant live a perfect life as something goes wrong at one point in our lives, so id probably chose normal life as its perfect how it is now but just missing one thing tbh and you cant beat reality :)

ok I'm going to sleep and facebook is still being a dick so good night! I love you loads my handsome wolf prince, hope you sleep well ^~^ See you tomorrow, night night <3 xxxxxx

EmilyCantthinkofamiddlenameBrierley’s Profile PhotoEmily The Unicorn
Oki doki, damn Facebook :/, night night love you loads my beautiful princess unicorn baby cant wait to see you tomorrow I'll be round normal time ish,hope you manage to get to sleep and have a nice long sleep :) sweetdreams baby <3 xxxxxx

Top 5 favorite It Crowd moments?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
1) Roy's girlfriends parents died at a sea parks :D and he can't get over it
2) Roy being disabled XD
3) Roy getting on the bus with a monitor up his shirt
4) when Roy and Moss make the "Internet" and Jen believes them and takes it to a conference :)
5) probably when Jen has a boyfriend called Peter File :)

Whats your views on watching porn whilst in a relationship? Some people don't like it and others aren't bothered by it? Whats your opinion?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I don't really think it's a nice thing to do, if your watching porn with your other half then I'd say that's fine but if your watching it just on your own then it kinda says that your other half doesn't give you the pleasure you want, obviously it's not cheating but it still makes you feel bad if you find out your other half is watching it.. I know I'd feel weirdly bad if Emily was watching it behind my back :)

Ever been built up buttercup, just to let you down and mess you around? and then worse of all they never call baby when they say they will?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
"but I love you still, I need, more than anyone darlin you know that I have from the start" nope never :)


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