
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Is it wrong to masturbate while in the same room as a pet? or nah?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
im guessing you've done this XD.... erm nahhh! not like they can talk and say sumat about it :D but im guessing its probably uncomfortable with them watching :D

If you had to name your nipples after actors, who would you have? You can't have Liam Nipson (Neeson) bc thats taken already lul :')

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
haha thats a gooden but feckin hard hmm....Mel Nipson :D (Gibson) and Arnold Schwarzenipple XD

You're in a struggle, someone is trying to mug you. You grab the item nearest to your right and beat the shit out of them. What is it? and if you were to shout abuse at them whilst using the name of the item what would you say?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
haha the item to my right is my bed haha yh ial use that to knock the crap out of them :D , id whack him with the bed and say "YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT" XD

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So there's a big issue I get at night called 'Attack of the moths', I say we become moth warriors and fight back against them. 1. What would we be called? 2. What is your weapon of choice?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
OMG I GET THE SAME ISSUE! I FRICKIN HATE MOTHS!!! hmm the mothorriors :D my weapon will be a food tray haha i use it as its big and round so i use it to knock the f*uck out of moths and flies XD

if someone had a power like scarecrow and they used it on you what would your worst nightmare be ? ( dont have to answer if you dont want to )

I am the one who knocks
Honestly... I don't have a worst nightmare as I'm not scared of anything which people find weird, not trying to sound "hard" but I'm not really scared of anything -if you don't have a fear then nothing can scare you and then you won't feel weak when that fear is infront of you ,don't let your fear control you,you control your fear-

Omg someone pretended to be me?:') Well, dude, whoever you are you got my smiley faces wrong! I do them this way (: Plus the word we both say is 'damn' right? Hahaha Good job with the heart and kisses though -.- I love you Jordan :') <3 xxxxxx

EmilyCantthinkofamiddlenameBrierley’s Profile PhotoEmily The Unicorn
Haha yh its damn :D and yh he messed up a little but he did pretty good haha got me thinking at one point :D I love you too Emily :) <3 xxxxxx
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Okay fine it's not emily, I'm just a random person who came across your profile and wanted to see how well you knew your girlfriend. You passed well done!

I KNEW IT! XD , thank you :) even though you was pretending that you was my girlfriend and trying to get me to say i love you :D , i know her very well :D you did good though XD

cant log on to my ask fm because Facebook has messed <3 xxxxxx

hmmm if this is emily then what word do we say when we're thinking of the same thing? :P you should know what word i mean ;)


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