
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Beliefs spam: What do you believe happens to us when we die? Why do you believe this?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I dont really have a reason for this but i either believe we go to heaven or we stay as ghost/spirits
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

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Beliefs spam: Do you think that things such as vampires and werewolves could actually exist but we just aren't aware of them?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I really wanna say yh haha but i know they are stories that were true but now have been slightly tweaked, for example years and years ago there was this story of a guy who acted like a wolf and use to kill people... (cant find the story im on about but look up about the real old true stories about werewolves)... But as time passed its changed into a man changing into a wolf...same with dracula..he was a guy called Vlad the impaler who killed people and he use to impale his victims of long sticks outside of his castle to show what hes capable of and to be feared and people in them days thought he was immortal because no one could kill him.... And hes called dracula because His father was called "Dracul,"meaning"dragon" or "devil" in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon, which fought the Muslim Ottoman Empire. "Dracula"means"son of Dracul" in Romanian. So yh... Really sorry for the long paragraph and history lesson haha😂😂

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Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

Beliefs spam: Could you be friends with someone who had completely different beliefs to yourself? Why? Why not?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Yh sure, just because they believe something different than i do doesnt mean they're a bad person or not worth talking to
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

Why do you think they stopped Gifts on here? Do you miss them? Or think this was a good decision?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I didn't even noticed they got rid of them haha so on that note i dont miss them 😂 i never got a gift 😂
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

Have you ever had a dream within a dream? Did you find that strange?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Yep...its definitely strange and weird...i weirdly enough have dreams of the future and then when it happens i remember dreaming about it 😁
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

As it is coming up to Christmas, Do you enjoy Christmas shopping? Or do you find it much too stressful buying for everyone?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I dont have many people to shop for which im glad about but sometimes it can be abit stressful but most of the time i know what im getting so it doesnt really stress me out aa much 😀
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

Do you enjoy the star wars movies? Do you think they're overrated? Or do they just have the right amount of recognition?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I enjoy them.. But i think they have a bigger hype than they should have
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

I tend to be terrible at remembering to have the most important meal of the day but do you always have breakfast or do you skip it? Maybe you even pick up something quick on your way out?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I havnt had breakfast for about 5-6 years 😁 i stopped having breakfast for a few reasons, one of them being my sleeping pattern is shit so I'd end up missing breakfast
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

What is one thing that makes you smile no matter what? *For example: Mine would be my puppy or my favourite comedy show

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Id probably say any comedian i find funny or id watch some youtube videos 😊
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

How would you describe your sense of humor? What kind of things make you laugh? Is there a limit to what you find funny?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I find most things funny but it depends what situation its said in, and it depends how its said and if the person whos saying is actually funny with it 😀
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.

How many pets are too many? Is there such thing? (Theres a lady on insta who has 12 pugs and 2 other dogs, theh are all taken care of but is this too many in your opinion?)

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Id say 14 dogs is way too many haha for me 2-3 are too many 😂 even though i love dogs and would love to have loads i just think 2 or 3 are to many for me 😂
Liked by: .;-kaitlian.


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