
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Your top 5 tips to survive a zombie apocalypse? :)

1) have a shower, get your zombie killing uniform on and get ready to kill some bitches
2) look for food and keep it all to yourself
3) get all the weapons you can find and wait for the zombies to knock on your door
4)wait for night time and keep quiet
5)don't fall for the zombies sexy looks...they will trick you and eat you :)

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Holy crap! That's awesome! :D You have such an amazing talent!

Charlotte Rosie
Haha thank you :D I'm not that confident in my drawings though as I think I'm not that good and there's obviously better artists than me but it's pretty cool to see people's reactions to my drawings :) Iv been drawing since I was 7 (I'm 20 now) and iv taught myself so I try my hardest and tbh I'd rather have a better talent like singing or sumat haha :D

You are probably addicted to likes like the rest of those on here. I will leave now but it is silly that you are on here when you have more reasons not to be than to be. Bye.

Nah I don't care about likes, yh it is silly but don't you think it's silly being an anon :) most people are probably on here just for the same reason as I am, we are bored.. Boredom can cause us to do silly things and make us do anything to stop this boredom :) bye bye anon

Why did Emily come off askfm

Because she thought it was boring/silly and kinda pointless...which is true as all this site is just people asking pervy questions or not answering questions properly and people sending hate to others...I think she's definitely not coming back.. I dunno if she'll change her mind but I don't blame her if she doesn't want to come back as this site really is pointless..

Oh my god!!! do you like the ninja turtles because every time I tell someone that it's my fucking fandom they just laugh and I'm like 'well...guess we're not friends anymore' ANYWAY! what's your favourite turtle and why???

Haha yh I LOVE the turtles, I just watched the new turtles movie the other day it's awesome :) I'm gunna do my favourite in order, my favourite is Michealangelo as he's funny and a cool dude that loves pizza...mmmmm pizzaaaa...my second favorite is Leo as I love his swords and he's a awesome leader, Raph is probably my next as hes always trying to act hard and cool but it's funny,and then Donny would be last as I do like his staph and he's really intelligent but he's just last by default... But I love all of them they're awesome!! Iv watched every kind or turtles series and I used to get the toys :)


Language: English