
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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What is honor, and does it matter anymore?

Honour is being faithful and respectful to someone, and to me it matters.. Definitely in a relationship as if someone didn't respect and honour me and stuff like that then why should I honour and respect them (and the other way around)...
Mostly honour is used for someone older or meaningful, like you'd honour a soldier or maybe a celebrity that's died or a grandparent , but I'd mostly use it in a relationship

Would your life be better or worse, if you knew the time and place where you would die?

Hmmm probably better, as I could do everything iv wanted to do before that time happens and I can tell people things that I probably wouldn't say or do things I wouldn't normally do

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What's your best chat up lines? No skipping, I want pure cheese (: <3 xxxxxx

EmilyCantthinkofamiddlenameBrierley’s Profile PhotoEmily The Unicorn
Do you have a plaster because I hurt myself falling for you..
My penis is hurting.. will you rub it..
Did it hurt.. When you fell from heaven
Let's rearrange the alphabet and put U and I together
I have a dog in my pants... Wanna stroke it
Hey I found the man of your dreams... So here I am
Let's subtract the clothes add You and I and multiply
I'm a balloon will you blow me
Hahaha these are just really cheesy and dumb haha <3 xxxxxx

Do you think rose was kinda a bitch for not letting jack share the wood in titanic? He kinda gave up his life just to see her naked, I don't think It was worth that, she might have orangutan titties for all we know.

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
yes she was definitely a bitch as there was enough room for 3 or 4 people on that wood :D and you do know you see her titties in the film :D

Have you ever milked yourself when you got thirsty? I'm so sorry omg, hahahaahaha I'm not sorry at all fgs

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
haha wtf
iv milked myself but not when i was thirsty i think i might of been hungry though, i could've made cheese :D

If you had to choose between having one eye or three, which would you choose and why? Also do you like kilts? How happy do penguins make you? Lucky number? Would It be funny to shave part of someones head as you walked past them? PIE or PIE?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
-three as id be able to see three different ways at the same time
-erm i wouldnt wear one but there ok i guess
- 5/10 :D
- 7
-very funny but im sure they'd be quit mad and it would turn into a fight haha
-and hmmmm im thinking maybe PIE :D

Do you think ball pits are fun or is there an age where you're too old to be playing with balls?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
oh hell yh i love them.... unfortunately there is a age limit but i wish there wasnt as i love them and id spend all my time in them (obviously with Emily) if i could :D

Hey, sorry for bothering but if u want please check out our channel, watch video and subscribe. It would mean a lot to us. You can also ask us a question here on ask.fm or give us an idea for video. Thank you and have a good day :) https://www.youtube.com/TheCridsTv

The Crids
is everyone on here YouTubers or sumat... and why do i get the Youtubers asking for shiz... yhhh ial have a look
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Do you think It would be fun to put a fake fin on your back and pretend to be a shark In the sea and scare people?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
iv thought about that a few times before and id love to do it :D it'd definitely be fun :D
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Hey, I made a video on how to stay positive throughout your life, It may help, or you may think I'm a massive wanker, but either way if you could check it out and if you like it share and subscribe, that would be fab xo http://youtu.be/ObZG9VbrL_Y :)

BenConlon’s Profile PhotoBen.
iv looked at it
its pretty good
ial sub and like just for the hell of it
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn


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