
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Do you think Its fun to dress up animals In clothes or wrong?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
erm i wouldnt do it to my dogs or any other animal but i wouldnt say its wrong as people are weird and if they wanna dress up animals then go a head :)
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Did you have any weird habits or quirks as a child?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
hmmmm no i dont think i did :/ i was a confused child and just did ordinary things.... but now im still a child but now i know who i am and how weird and crazy i am :D
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

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How good are you at hiding seek? Are you basic hide behind a curtain level or more advanced?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
More advance :D I'm like a super invisible ninja :D but sometimes I like to play on the lower level so people dont feel to bad.. :D Like ial hide behind a tree or right behind them just for laughs haha

What's the difference between living and existing, in your opinion?

Existing is just being another person on the planet, living is bring someone special on the planet and being something that life didn't intend you to be ;)
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Hey bby cakes, It's timmy from Uganda here. Me, Ronald from Kazakhstan, Jeremy from the Isle of Wight and tobias from Zimbabwe are doing kik rates and thought you might like one. Like 10 and send your @ and we'll take it from there gorg. We only doing it for the bants so come play with us kk ;))

I'm sorry Timmy but this isn't working between us I can't do this anymore :( haha
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

What were you doing when you last lost track of the time?

Erm either *cough cough* (I think you'll know what I mean) :D, sleeping or playing on my ps3/watching stuff on my computer :)
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Do you ever put on an eye patch and go around the house singing and pretending to be Gabrielle? or is that just me?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
YESS!! I'm always doing it haha but on weekends I put the eye patch on and pretend to be a pirate :D

Can you believe It's not butter? or nah?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
*said in a Welsh accent* No I can't believe it.... I was walking down the street and this man held up a brick and said "can you believe it's not butter" I said "yes I can believe its not butter but can you believe that this is not butter" and held up my middle finger :).. Moral of the story is that a brick and a middle finger is not butter haha

How would you feel If animals like dogs/cats etc could ride bikes and drive cars? Would you be happy they had evolved or more scared at the possibilities?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Erm I dunno it'd be cool but weird haha I'd be glad if they evolved to drive cars but I'm hoping they'd be able to talk too :D

Hi there naughty girl, timmy here from Uganda. I'm new to ask and I was wondering if you were in the business of trading nudes. I have a thick 4 inch black lollipop and it's all ready fo you. Don't worry we can chat for bants first, I could come to yours or you could come to mine so yeah hmu Kk

I didn't know I was a naughty girl haha, ial definitely trade nudes I'm always sending nudes to my girlfriend...
And sorry I don't like blackcurrant maybe strawberry and we might have a deal hahaha
And yh we can chat for bants and yh ial come all the way over there to Uganda as I totally have the money for that as I'm a pimp and I sell bitches (girl dogs) and coke (coca cola) and get billions of pennies :)
Liked by: Emily The Unicorn

Do you believe in the theory that time is immutable? That it's like a river, you can throw a stone into it and cause a ripple, but the current always corrects itself? So no matter what you do, the outcome will always be the same? (geeky X-Men moment sns)

Erm kinda... I sometimes think that the outcome of things you do could of been different by doing something different than what you did in the first time like the places you go and the people you meet could be your fate but if you didn't meet a certain person or went to a certain place then maybe you've changed your future in some way..
As maybe if God (if you believe in him) had a plan for you and then you change your mind and did something else then maybe you've changed your fate
God,fate,time might be able to plan our future but he/it can't make us or see what our decisions are :)
So maybe a pebble isn't just a pebble it's actually people and throwing a person in a river which is actually life itself might have a different outcome to what you thought that "pebble" was going to do... There's so many ways to think about it
and by pebble i meant stone haha
And X-men is Amazing haha

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