
[ The Lycan King ^...*...^ ]

Ask @jordymc

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Pros and cons of being your friend?

laid back
the awkward moment when i list more pro's than con's....
there's more... i just er cant think of them because im stupid...oh
stupid haha thats another.... i dunno what else :D

In your own words, what is happiness?

being with someone you love.. or doing something that makes you happy,
being able to be free and do what you want
with who ever you want
where ever you want
and having no one tell you... "STOP!" "DONT DO THAT!" "COME HERE ITS TO DANGEROUS!" "YOU'RE NOT ALOUD TO DO THAT!"
we all have our own sort of happiness and its up to us to go beyond the rules and do what ever it takes to make this "happiness" be something more than just a dream...
We only live once, life isnt always about
being born into a family that could turn their backs on us or treat us like crap
going through school and being bullied
being expected to know what we want to do in the future and being looked down upon because we want to be a astronaut or a unicorn
being lied to
being cheated on
getting our dream job ,sometimes one that our parents want us to do
making loads of money
loosing people
buying a house
getting married
having kids
then dying
its about the little things we do in life...
having fun
the people we meet
falling in love
doing what we want
and sometimes
making loads of money
buying a house
getting married
and having kids is on this list but we have to do what makes us happy.... i know i'm happy and my thought of happiness is happening now its not a dream or a lifetime away.

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How bad ass are you on a daily basis? Overall? What's the most bad ass thing you've ever done? ('your mum' is not acceptable okay)

100% badass :D im a hardcore gangsta!... erm bust a cap in someones ass...
honestly probably swam with sharks on friday the 13th :D c'mon how bad ass is that :P

You are now the main character of the last tv show you watched. Who are you? and what would you get up to as them?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Well it was Prison Break so id be Michael Schofield trying to get out of prison.. or trying to find Scylla depending on what part of the season im in :D

Whats your favorite dessert? and how would you react if you could never eat it again but had to watch others indulge it?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Chocolate Cookie Dough :D , id hate it :'( id have to kill everyone so i can have it :D

Are there any good movies you've seen recently that you recommend others to watch?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
Expendables 3
Transformers 4
the new Godzilla.. kinda :D
X-Men Days of Future Past
Need for Speed
idk what else :D

If I gave you my four Tamagotchies to look after for a week, do you think you would be able to keep them alive or would i get them back all dead? (Baring in mind they beep at 6am)

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
EEERRRRMMM..... they'll probably maybe kinda ish dead... i dunno.. im a heavy sleeper, but id try and wake up and feed them, play with them or what ever you have to do with them haha

Do you like trampolines? How skilled are you on them?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
YES!! :) im not that skilled.. i did trampolining in high school and we did tricks but i cant remember how to do them so id say no im not that skilled haha

It's so easy to list the things wrong in our lives or things we are unhappy with but what things are you currently happy with, looking forward to and grateful for?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
I'm happy with:
being with Emily
being a better person than i used to be
having friends that i can trust
Looking forward to:
seeing Emily
new years eve
Emily's birthday
my birthday
and the future beyond that :)
Grateful for:
everything good in the world
being able to finally be with Emily
Rockstars and Milkshakes being made
PlayStation's and games being made
YouTube being made
and music
probably more but i cant think of them right now :)

If you could make anyone your personal puppet, who would you choose? What would you make them do?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
i'd choose Emily haha i'd make her do everything i could possible imagine :) (im sure people who will read this will think i mean naughty things tut tut ) :D

Do you have any superstitions? I have to say 'touch wood' if someone jinxes something and my sister can't walk across three grids set together

your up late :D erm i dont think i do :D like i say "touch wood" but thats about it :D , cracks in the pavement , black cats or anything like that dont really bother me :D

What's the saddest thing you've ever seen with your own eyes?

BonjourCaptain’s Profile Photozar
politics ,homophobic people (sad in a dumb ass sorta way)
and a turtle having sex with another turtle (sad in a i feel sorry for him sorta way) :)


Language: English