
lady winona ☆ミ

Ask @josephinewinona

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Which do you prefer: Younger or older lover?

anonarcher’s Profile Photoanonarcher
Mature. Someone who knows what he wants in life and seeing me as part of his future. Regardless of the age, doon tayo sa taong mataas ang EQ.
'Yong vinavalidate ang feelings ko. Yet, if he needs to correct me, he will correct me in the softest way. Hindi 'yong ipapa-feel sa akin na mali ako in a harsh way. Also, he will educate me on things that I don't know without condemning me kumbakit 'di ko alam ang mga bagay na 'yon.

Stay safe and dry...

kchee0533’s Profile PhotoSJ
Ay kakaligo ko lang so basa pa buhok ko. Charot. Thank you, SJ. Ikaw rin, ingat always!
Liked by: SJ

if you could have any superpower, which one would help you impress your crush?

yellowmakesmefeellikeafellow’s Profile Photoyellow on red
I don't have to. Impressed naman na siya sa akin. 🤙🏻🤣 Ako na 'to, oh! Eyyyyyyyy!
Liked by: SJ

who was your best friend when you were a kid? what made them special?

yellowmakesmefeellikeafellow’s Profile Photoyellow on red
Angel, Jane, and Truly. We are still friends until now. Haha. That is some kind of a special friendship I am blessed to have.


Language: English