

Ask @josierowan

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Say something about all your bestfriends and tell us why with their name.

Keyonta-idk wht i would do without u. we are always lit with eachother;; we are so close. and you i love ur whole family sm. ur my sister?
Kaitlyn- weve been through thick and thin together since the first day of school last year and our bond is unbreakable.?
Caden-I have no idea how I would possibly be able to get through my day without you. u never fail to make me laugh or smile and i know i can trust with anything and everything.?
Miles-your so sweet and your always looking out for me. you always make me laugh and you can always cheer me up. and im very very proud of u sometimes.?
Jordan-You always make time for me and you always make me laugh and smile to myself. Your adorable and your an amazing boyfriend too.
Liked by: Kait. KeKe

did u miss the part where i said putang in amo

did u miss the part where empty threats dont bother me. go back to yr mom. she misses ur kisses

still thats whoreish no offense

ur the bitch ass sitting behind a goddamn screen. whoreish when ive dated what? 7 guys? i know people who have dated way more than that. and the defintion of a whore is a prostitude. and the defintion of prostitude is a person who participates in sexual activaty for money. i had my first kiss in fricken September and havent kissed anyone since that and that was with tyler m. so u need to sit ur little 2nd grade ass down and go to bed. because u sound dumb af talkin bout shit u have no idea about. if u think i give 2 fucks about what you or anybody else thinks about me ur high on meth. i have kait, keyonta, miles, caden and jordan&& they are honestly all i need. lmao @ u. ha bye.
Liked by: KeKe frankie reed

so youve dated Logan Runde, Miles, Logan flanagan, cooper, logan ness, tyler shuster, the other tyler and more

not logan f or cooper. those were fr less then a day. i dated tyler m and cole this year. last year i dated tom. miles. logan r. logan n. & tyler s. so suck my dick bc those were all over a month.
Liked by: frankie reed

I heard you and Keyonta hate Cameron Cole Caleb and Ben.

im not even going to comment on this because if i do its going to make somethings obvious. I literally just said im not saying anything about what has happened in the last 2 days.

Who do you like

imma just address acouple things rn.
honestly, everyone needs to back the fuck up and calm the fuck down about me dating Jordan. Keyonta is my bestfriend and would mever EVER hurt her. me and her tell eacgother everything and i know keyonta wouldnt hold back from telling me if she didnt want to.
i didnt replace kaitlyn with keyonta. me and her are still friends. just because keyontas my bestfriend doesnt mean i want anything less to do with kaitlyn. i love them both so stop.
What happened at lunch today is honestly none of your buisness. If i wanted u to know i would but i didnt tell anyone besides people i actually trusted and who was with me when it happened.
Im so tired of people thinking that they can get into stuff that isnt their buisness. Im so close to deleting ask, instagram, twitter, and snapchat because of how far everyone takes things and how fake and bitchy everyone is. take all your bullshit else where. okay? thanks boo.

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Liked by: pp hums KeKe

Your dating Jordan wtf isn't that Keyonta's ex boyfriend oh wow you are like her bestfriend that's such a sick thing to do to her I feel so bad she is so sweet and nice to people.

uhm to bad jordan asked me out more than a week ago and i said no without even thinking about it because shes my bestfriend and i would never do anything to hurt her ever. i always put her before me. i would never ever think of doing anything to hurt her. she pushed me to date him and is happy for me and yes i know she is sweet and nice to people. fuck off yo u dont know shit

fave kids in each grades k-12

6- Halle, Lucie, Lucas, n more
7-way to many.
8-risa, jayda, ava, lyssa, &amanda.
9-zakiya, brianna, jakob, haylee,
10-cole & cole
11- nathan
12-Jason, Toni, Cait, Mai, Laken + more
Liked by: KeKe alyssa w


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