
Jodell Sng

Ask @jothepokemonpro

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as in you finished the commentary as well? -.- I finished reading three books liao but. .-.

Kind of? Just randomly wrote some gibberish ahahahaha
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Idk haha. :) ehh use ChenXin as our medium AHAHAHAAHAHA. Btw have you done your homework you naughty child

Of course not :* I only did like one book for the 阅读记录卡 oops

IT'S GREAT! THE SCENERY IS AWESOME AND THE FOOOOOD! sorry I couldn't get on Line though

Its ok!! You don't have your ipad with you? Sad life :/ Any idea how we could PM?

my tbh for eu A really good listener and friend who always listens and laughs with me and always stick with me HAHAS that's what friends are for :)!

HAHAS thanks glenn :))))))) You're a great friend too HAHA :D

its what happens in senior yearvaha, you get a ton of holiday homework

Well I only got 3 pieces of homework this holiday :-)

3 weeks till holidays for me, Ill probably end up doing homework and sleeping

What? How boring can it get? XD
Liked by: k

woo, hope you have fun dude

Haha I will :) What's your plans for the holiday? (If its even the holidays for you aussie guys?)

chuvak, long time no see D: how are things going my little asian buddy

Hey chuvak! Long time no see, my aussie buddy :3 Things are fine! Just a tad bit busy preparing for a comp :) Going for a camp this week and I'm super pumped :D

dontbforget a space suit jodell

I won't! :) I'll be sure to get one when I pop by the corner store later xD
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aww thanks :') yeah im trying to get better but feel fairly ugh all the time thanks to the arm :/

You'll get better soon! :)

make this answer 666 as pavel the communist wants it to be so, this order is from the one you call chuvak c:


may take me a while since my collar statted hurting ;-; ill just take the stakrs and borrow your bed for a bit and maybe some painkillers

Aww haha get well soon!! :) I don't think I have any painkillers, but you're welcome to whatever I do have :)

ill just have to climb up then, scuse me while I call my russian buddies and secure some gear.

I'll like to watch you try hehe :)


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