
amir haziq

Ask @just_amir

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How did you meet your best friend?

Umm..i dont know if i do have a bestfriend..what i know now..i do have a girlfriend ahaaha apakan noo laa i jist dont know who is my bestfriend..

What is the most beautiful city you have ever visited?

Singapore it was fun siuk n tiring jua hhaha but it was totally fun nda nyasal but too bad 5 dys d sana dua harinya damam :C siuk juaa stay d hotel ada wifi aahaha

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

My $10 ilang~~~ aahaha biar tia halal kn ria sjaa

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

The hard journey to paradise...wowwwww lawa tu ahahaha well nda pulng lawa it would be nice....right?

Why do people kill each other?

gila kuasa...tamak....talor...no brain...lului...buta...maybe because of money people kill each other...u know duit mmpu mengaburkn mata kita ingat tu ahhaha mcm ustaz dh ne
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What was your greatest success?

My red house team beat the new record in relay 52 seconds ahahha not soo good pulng but for us it is good from 57 to 56 to 52 bug difference tuu like skadar eh aahhaa thnks to aneep and maa crazy cuzzy yaqin and taiko sang yong andal ne durng hahahaaha

Do you need any help?

Right now? Umm i need someone to turn off the light for me plss~~hahahahha pemalas banar kau ne mir

Where is the worst place you could get stuck?

Ummm kadai dvd kadai kasut...kadai yg ada bejual brng2 clashofclaaaans (coc) hhaahaah.

What chocolate is your favorite? 

Dairy milk frrero rocher ngam kh? Ahhahaha atu laaah and maltesar ngam kh????


Language: English