

Ask @justacele

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I got blocked by my ex 🙂 It kinda hurts... I don't know what to do.

Just block them back so they would feel the same dude if if you still love them just dont show it until they feel like they’re missing something and they come back to ya👍🏼

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شنو تشوفون باليوتيوب ابي قنوات حلوه و يفضل اجانب ؟

Teens react / david dobrik / reaction time/ liza koshy / zane hijazi

بنات منو فيها سترچ ماركس "علامات تمدد " حمرة بالجسم وشلون تروح لحد يقولي رياضة ماله شغل 🙄

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