
justin tyler obrien

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What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

ms Olson in 2nd grade
she was fine as winnee

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Well she got a boyfriend so fuck her

Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

Never really all that interested, but I find myself telling her how beautiful she is anyway. ’cause it’s true – all women are, in one way or another. You know, there’s always something about every damn one of you. There’s a smile, a curve, a secret. You ladies really are the most amazing creatures. My life’s work. But then there’s the morning after. The hangover, and the realization that I’m not quite as available as I thought I was the night before. And then she’s gone. And I’m haunted by yet another road not taken. - Hank moody


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