
Justin Bieber.

do you want kids when you're older? how many?

Honestly, I really don't know. Sometimes two sounds like a great idea, then suddenly eight is my dream. It changes every week, I guess I'll be happy with whatever happens. (:

Latest answers from Justin Bieber.

No problem oh i sent you a message on polyvore its ok that you had left for a while. thewil understand. i already follow you.

Tamia14’s Profile PhotoBabygirl ❤
Wow, thank you. Seriously, that means alot. I'll get right on that.

Aww. thanks.I guess we should but this is gonna be daily. so just look for an anonymous questions about daily message to make you smile and think of me:)

Tamia14’s Profile PhotoBabygirl ❤
Of course, you got it. Thanks again!

Daily Message to hopefully put a smile on your face: You are amazing, never let anyone tell you you are not. Because you are amazing to me boo<3

Thank you, you certainly made me smile. ♥

if you get this it means that you're an amazing person and that i love you always;)

That's really sweet, thank you!

Do you think that a girl, that is really overweight, change her image? Or do you think she is perfect the way she is and that she shouldn't change anything about yourself

I don't think she should change her image at all.
I do, however, think if she is really overweight, that isn't healthy. Healthy is perfect to me, and if she puts even a little bit of effort into being so, she's perfect.
I know how that sounds, shallow and heartless, but I'm not telling this person to drop down to a size 0. I'm trying to say that baby, being unhealthy could mean I lose you faster than I have to - And that is the very last thing I want. I want this person to stick around, to just possibly put a tiny amount of work into being healthy.
Sorry if I crossed the line here. :I

What are you going to be for Halloween?

A ghost, paranormal activity 4 came out recently, so I think it'd be perfect. >:)

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

That's a great quote, I think I might just give that a go.
What did you today that scared you?

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