

خالض اعمل ريفيو لمسلسل..??

NooUoudii’s Profile PhotoNαԃα♡︎
هو مش هيبقي ريفيو بمعني ريفيو بس هتكلم عن مسلسل بحبه جدا زي المرة اللي فاتت مع HIMYM و هقول كل شخصية اتعلمت منها ايه :"
Monica- Be open. When a friend asks help, do whatever it takes to help. Love can come from the most unexpected source. Monica taught us to take up a Job We Love
لما صديق يطلب منك مساعدة لازم تعمل كل اللي تقدر عليه عشان تساعده مهما تطلب الامر يعني ..الحب ممكن يبجي من اي مكان ? متستناش لما تخبط فيها في الجامعة و توقعوا الكتب و تنزل تجيبهم و تبص في عنيها و الهبل دا :" متعليش سقف توقعاتك من شخص معين ..و مفيش حد فينا مثالي مهما حاولنا
Phoebe taught us to be Free Spirited .
مش مهم اصلك ولا انت اتولدت فين ولا اي حاجة من الماضي..المهم معدنك ك شخص..مش مهم راي الناس ف اللي بتعمله ع اد ما يهمك انك تعيش حياتك بالشكل اللي تحبه
خليك تافه و ? اعمل اللي يخليك مبسوط
في الاخر اكيد هتلاقي الشخص المناسب ليك
Rachel taught us to create our Own Self .
انت هتعيش مرة واحدة بس خليك متمسك بمبادئك دايما حتي لو حياتك هتتشقلب :" المهم تعمل اللي يرضي ضميرك
عيش مرة بس عيش الحياة اللي عايزها واللي تستحقها
Ross taught us that shit happens in relationships, what matters is how we Rise From Each Situation
حاول تبقي نفسك مهما حاولت الحياة تغيرك و حب نفسك زي م انت متحاولش تتغير عشان حد :D مين يعرف يمكن فتاة احلامك هتبقي بتخبط علي بابك بعد 14 سنة؟
Joey — Family matters! And he taught us Never to be ashamed of who we are, even if it's for a Japenese Lipstick Commercial lol
العيلة اكيد مهمة حتي لو علي حساب اي حاجة..العيلة اولوية في حياتنا ..اكيد الاهداف و الطموحات مهمة بس دا مش معناه انك تلاقي السعادة ف حاجات تانية :"
حاول تبقي صاحب صاحبك ساعدهم ف اي حاجة حاول تعمل اي شي هما محتاجينه منه.

Chandler — Laugh your troubles away! He taught us that Laughter is the Best Medicine
مفيش مشكلة تبقي بتقلق لو بتخاف من اي شي معين و بتتوتر
حاول تواجه مشاكلك زي ما تشاندلر كان عنده commitment issues مثلا و حلها مع الوقت
حاول تبقي احسن نسخة منك سواء ك صاحب او زوج او مهما كان المسمي بتاعك مع اي شخص
خالض اعمل ريفيو لمسلسل
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Latest answers from DEUTSCHER

Hey! You're PERFECT just the way you are??

Anyway I'm back here for you guys ,I need you maybe? I don't feel good.
I have no real friends
So it's a perfect time to be with you again!
Already missed you all :")


alaaali254’s Profile Photo♥آلاء♥
دي كانت رسالتها ليكم سواء مسلمين او ناس بتفكر تبقي مسلمة و بتحكي الموضوا كله..للاسف مش هعرف اترجم عشان الوقت و كدا
That's her talking about her path to Islam
Asalamu alaikom.
I took my shahada thru an online website for converts. But I did not became a muslim on that day, yet I was a muslim my whole life. I was unaware that I have been living as a muslim. I have always believe that there is only one God and Him alone. This is the most important pillars of Islam. No one ever told me about Islam. I have been searching happiness. I have been trying to understand my beliefs. Ever since I went to school, I was in a Catholic school. My family is a strict follower of their beliefs. I would go to a catholic school and attend mass, other sundays, I’m in a Christian chuch doing church services. But I have never felt that I belong. And I have questions ever since then. Not until I went to Saudi Arabia because I was accepted in a hospital to work. I tried to learn their culture and there something opened about my faith. I met Khaled online then, we talked about religion. I found myself agreeing in everything that he was telling me about Islam. After a while I bought a Qur’an and read it, every verse is a miracle for me. Every word is so powerful. I found myself crying the first time I read it. I knew that I was reading the truth. I had all my answers in one book, the Qur’an. No mystery. No complications. I knew that I was a Muslim, that Allah has blessed me and wanted me to come to Him. I realized I was so lucky. I am thankful and happy for what I am now. I have found my happiness. And I am honored to be a Muslim. I love living my life in a simple way and I have been living my life as a Muslim (I was unaware). I fell inlove with Islam and I was chosen to be a Muslim. May Allah continue to bless us with the gift of faith.
Inshaallah we will draw each other nearer and closer to Him.
JazakhAllah Khair

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What was the happiest moment in your life?

احلي لحظة في حياتي حصلت قريب...بعيد عن عك الامتحانات..في بنت فلبينية اعرفها ليا 3 سنين دلوقتي اسمها ريتشيل 29 سنة و بنت كيوت جدا و محترمة جدا و كانت شغوفة بتقرا عن الأديان و كدا و كنت انا اول مصري مسلم تعرفه ف كنا بنتكلم و بتسالني عن شرح حاجات كتير و اجبلها فيديوهات او اقتباسات من القرآن. .الخ ...انا مش شيخ ولا حتي متدين اوي بس انا بحاول اصحح افكار غلط عند اي حد بقابله..و بحاول ابقي الBest version of me ...البنت دي رسميا مسلمة دلوقتي! دا احلي خبر ف حياتي..انك تاثر ف حياة شخص بالشكل دا..تاثيري جزء من مليون من التاثير الكلي..لاني مجرد وسيلة و الله هو اللي بيهدي ..الموضوع موقفلي عقلي شوية..انك تاثر ف حياة شخص كدا..و دا هينعكس ع اولاده و احفاده و عيلته و الناس اللي قريبة منه..الخ..دا شعور عظيم جدا :)
3 years ago , I met Rachel online . She is 29 year old girl from Philippines , I was the first muslim she meets , I tried to be the best version of Muslim
She was too passionate about knowing people , cultures , languages and everything! Now she is a muslim !
I'm way too happy to have such an impact..

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What was the happiest moment in your life

If you were candy, what would you be?

لبان دكر او لو عايز تبقي هاي كلاس و كدا قول "ويلي جام"
If you were candy what would you be

What famous person would you like to meet?

I would love to meet Josh Rodnor in person and grab a cup of coffee sometime
I really think its possible in the next 10 years lol
Who knows?
What famous person would you like to meet

Language: English