merman au part 2

To his chagrin, the other boy beams. "I'm glad you spoke. I was beginning to think you couldn't speak, like Ariel in The Little Mermaid."
"I'm a mer/man/," Chanyeol insists, tail flapping angrily in the water.
"And I'm Kyungsoo. Your eyes are really pretty," the boy just says calmly, "are they green? They're really pretty. It's like I can see the stars in your eyes."
"Pretty sure that's called a reflection, human boy," Chanyeol mutters in contempt. How dare this human mock the color of his eyes? The color that runs in his veins -- royal blood, mind you -- is to be anything but commented on. The extravagance and the beauty of the eyes with shade of green shared amongst the merpeople royals cannot be simply put into words. Not with a lame word like 'pretty'. Chanyeol puffs his cheeks out in disdain. "Besides, why are you alone on this boat? Wouldn't you like to save your friends?"
Kyungsoo shrugs. Chanyeol decides that he really hates it when people shrug. "I can't swim," the petite boy admits honestly. "They had orders from my father that if anything was to happen, the lifeboat should contain me and only me. There is another bigger boat for the ship crew."
Chanyeol blinks dumbly before chortling. "You're some kind of royalty?"
Much to Chanyeol's surprise, Kyungsoo nods seriously. "Yeah. Prince. Third prince, to be exact, but you know, whatever. I'm not interested in the throne. I like to travel. Meet people. Meet mermaids."
"Mermen," Chanyeol hisses under his breath, exasperated. "Not everyone of us are female." Kyungsoo laughs, a soft, breathy sound like he said that just to spite Chanyeol, so Chanyeol frowns. "I think I'm just going to pull you out from your boat and drown you. You said you can't swim, right?"
Kyungsoo turns pale in a split second. "I really can't."
Chanyeol grabs Kyungsoo's hand with a huge grin and tugs him out of his boat so that they're floating on the water with their chests out of the water thanks to Chanyeol keeping them afloat. "P-Please, don't do that-- if you let go of me, this is where I'd die, merman."
"Do you trust me?" Chanyeol asks.
"No," Kyungsoo swallows.
Chanyeol rolls his eyes. In a swift motion, he pinches Kyungsoo's nose and dives down.
The sun is bright overhead when Kyungsoo is rudely shaken awake by large hands. His lips are cracking and sand is drying on his clothes and legs when he sits up. "Where..."
"Prince Kyungsoo! We couldn't find you last night while searching on the sea, but when we reached land, we found you here. I'm so glad you're safe!"
Kyungsoo nods, but he really isn't listening. Instead, he stares out into the horizon, and thinks about the merman with long, chestnut hair and big, green eyes and his strong arms that held him when they dove into the water.
Maybe he should take up swimming or diving lessons soon.
this thing wrote itself in my head so it became terribly long

Latest answers from Shu

Are u still into EXO?

not exactly but i can't not care because i'm really loving their sound nowadays

please stop with your fail japanese. it's cringe worthy.

sorry you can't accept that people are learning and trying to become better and that you find it extremely necessary to let them know so that they may or may not feel bad about themselves and their actual capability of doing thing as per mentioned.

its just sad that most of our faves have graduated TT what are your fav tracks!!

currently it's halloween night and kibouteki refrain!!!

///are there any other jgroups you like by any chance////

:( sadly no (not now) haha i never really tried to get into jpop for some reason...

your faves are pretty much the front tier members omg i would love to be friends but too afraid to go off anon WHAT MADE YOU GET INTO THEM

OMG i like other girls too but im still new to them so I FORGET MY OWN FAVES FKDBFK ono erena? ichikawa miori? kitahara rie,,, omg so many names there are more ahaha come be friends!!! (its all shia's fault for rting so much akb during the sousenkyo period)


ahhh mayuyu's my fave too!!! with sakura (miyawaki), paruru, kojiharu and miichan 😍 (and takamina cries)


this aptly sums up akb's golden discography

Language: English