

dear Kaitlin; I love you so very much, and I tell you all the time that you're beautiful and you NEVER believe me, because you have self confidence problems. But you aren't fat and honestly you deserve the best people in your life. You put so much of yourself into others, so give yourself some love.

Out of all the humans I know, you are one of my favorites.
Liked by: Clayton Kephart
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Latest answers from Kaitlin

What did the last text message you sent say?

Lol I'm great at giving advice:
"Okay honey don't freak out over it and eat some ice cream it makes everything better."

(CONTINUED BC ASK GIVES ME LIKE 0 CHARACTER SPACES) you deserve a happy life, and I am confident hat God will give you one. I love you. I cannot express how much I want to see you happy because I know you've struggled with that before, and one day you will meet someone special who will love you.

Did I mention how much I freaking love you. Cause it's a whole lot!

If you were going to Mars, which one item would you bring with you?


Who is the prettiest girl at Haas Hall Academy?

Define pretty
As in character or looks?
Because to me you can be drop dead gorgeous, but if you have a rotten attitude then you aren't really all that pretty.

Language: English