
Kara Hatfield

Ask @karaHayfield

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Except for you are always getting 'too' drunk and making a fool of yourself and making yourself available to any tom dick and harry.

Is this ment to bother me? Because it don't. Your just a cunt with nothing better to do:)

You looked a fucking mess. Such a skank.

Another opinion I didn't ask for, thank you again means a lot.

you was so drunk the other night

And fucking what. Everyone will get too drunk once in there life. Wow I had a little to much to drink get over it at least I didn't puke
Liked by: itsNeishy Chris

rolling a jointt ;P I miss you get your but down here asap

Ahhh, and I'm trying to get some money together

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

Urm dunnooooooo

I will tell you wonce I have worked stuff out. I want you it isnt as simple as ending it and trying to talk to you. It will take time

look you can't talk to people like this over ask.fm If you say is true then you shouldn't be talking to me you should be talking with your partner, you can't be with someone and like another person it's not fair on your partner and me I'm not talking to you anymore unless you tell me who you are.

How would you change the world if you could?

get rid of the bad and nasty people keep only people who deserve to have a nice life stay on earth send the rest of them to space

I'm in a relationship and have been for a while then it said on facebook you was in one too and i got jealous and realised i want you, the feelings used to be there but they came back and theyre very real, what sort of person does that make me

Wtf who is this?


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