

Ask @karatechick42

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You discover an island and decide to build your own society. What is the first rule you put into place?

Have fun?

What would you do if your friend isnt talking to you and your concerned about them?

Im in this situation rn but i would jist try and talk to them in person and see whats going on


Im scared to death. In my science class we learned that out of a class of 27 students, 13 of them have been bullied, 2 of them have suicidal thoughts, and one if them kill them selves. This honestly makes me sick to my stomach. What most parents dont understand is that high school is full of bullies that will find any reason to pick on you. Race, sexuality, interests, mistakes... Where does it stop?

PAP of your recent emojis


Whoever the fuck is messing with Amber better back the fuck off because if you have the nerve to come on here and talk shit ab her your obviously jealous of her beauty and amazing personality so say it to my face and get out from behind the computer screen

thank you whoever you are

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

stay strong and on my hip


Language: English