

Ask @karengoh1204

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Yah lorh anon cnnt be friends with other ppl meh. Pls dun weird larh if ure someone from her class, im telling u that u wun last long in yr life becus if thats what ure always thinking bout, making friends with only tall or like "pretty" ppl, then bruh, u suck gth.

yah thank khoo;)

anon ah how does being tall affect your choice of friends. so for an eg, if person A is short but super kind. person B is tall but mean? u wld make friends with person B because the person is tall?

Yah :)

y r u even friends with krystel?? ik elysaa tall and all that's y u friends with her but krystel...

I don't make friends judging by their appearence??? What's wrong with u?? r u r friends fake or sth?? wuds wrong with krystel?? so wud if elysaa is tall and all at least her personality btr than urs rite. here's an advice go find some true friends lar knn ur ego so big is it? piss off. don't send me this type of stuff ruin my day mf.
Liked by: ChArIs l._.x

don't assume, get your evidence first before talking about people cause obviously whatever you assumed was totally wrong


Hi peeps!! Just to inform you guys , after I start my school in April I would only be sending a note for each week as I need time to adjust my schedule and also look at the answer you guys replied me.So I hope you guys will understand me . Stay happy, strong and awesome!! Because you are special??

luckyliqi’s Profile PhotoFruitycheer≧∇≦

Hi peeps,how is your week so far? Tmr is the start of the new week and my results release day. A reminder for all today:We may encounter many defeats and harsh obstacles in our life but we must not be defeated-Maya Angelou.So peeps I have faith in you so live your life to the fullest and be happy ?

luckyliqi’s Profile PhotoFruitycheer≧∇≦
okaiii thanks and good luck!!!


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