
Kari Rempel

Ask @karirempel17

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theres this person that i really like and i want to get to know them but they seem to only like people that are popular and are pretty do you have any advice........cause you seem like a really confident person and youre really good at giving advice x

to be honest babe im not that confident, i constantly think that im not good enough or that no one will like me for me and honestly if that person doesn't like you for who you already are than they arent worth it because you shouldnt have to change yourself to impress them or to make them notice you. Also babe im sure you are a hella rad and beatiful person and you will find the right person someday you just have to give it time xx
Liked by: leah

what are you doing right now?

trying to find horror movies to watch cause im home alone and have nothing better to do :/
any suggestions?
Liked by: pammi Shagun

do you miss any seniors?

yeah definitely! I didn't really know that many but it's weird not seeing the ones i did know at school :(

are you a gleek?

oh god I knew this was going to happen......
no I'm not anymore I made that name when I was in 5th grade lol

i really want to talk to you but i dont know how to approach you because your so energetic and out going AND super pretty AND nice so its really intimidating :(

haha you cutie <3 but i am the LEAST intimidating person on this planet!! i am honestly open to talk to anyone! just hmu on skype (its in my bio) feel free to talk to me when ever :))
Liked by: leah

favorite song to jam out to?

hmm....hard question.....I think it would have to be:
London beckoned songs about money printed by machines - Panic! At the disco c:

best feature would defiantly be ur curly hair! it fits u and its just so pretty i wanna die

hehehe thank you cutie <33

What are you doing today?

not much....just going with my brother to get his tattoo done and then having lunch with my family.....but I have no plans for the rest of the day :))
Liked by: Nagissa

what are you doing this summer?

staying in shanghai for a few days after school ends and then going to Canada till August! :))


Language: English