
Karyssa Miller

Ask @karyssam

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What books do you plan to read?

The rest of the divergent series (Im almost done) Then the fault in our stars and then the matched series(:

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aww thanks!(: you too! and i really hope you do!!!<3 it was good to see you tonight!(: <3

You too girl!! Dont worry haha Ill be back(:

rate: 9. tbh: i love youu!(: im gonna miss you this outdoor!:( your so pretty, and nice! it will be weird not seeing you</3

Awhhhhh!!! Love you too girl! Ill be around!! Trust me haha im still trying to figure my life out and probs will be helping out this summer!! Youre gorgeous!!(:

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

Kinda...i havent heard from her in like 2 years but...sure haha

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

I would have to say shirts or jeans! Sooo many styles and prints and colors to choose from(:

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

BLUE! I like blue(:

What does freedom mean to you?

Being who you want to be. Not who your told to be. Living your life by your own rules


Language: English