

Ask @katebachelder23

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no that's untrue that's the thing that picture is not normal and that's not your real smile tbh your real expression is pretty but not this u have beautiful pictures u could put as your thing and u chose this god I was trying to help

You're not helping! Instead you're making me feel like shit about my "fake smile" just fucking stop like you're annoying as hell thinking you know what my real smile is and sorry to break it to you but you obviously don't! Jut fucking stop

What do you look for in a guy?

1) has to be at least a little bit taller than me.
2) sticks up for me
3) is super funny and himself around me.
4) play fights
5) calls me baby girl. Like omg I just melt😍
6) isn't afraid to kiss and hold my hand in public.
7) spends as much time with me as he can
8) calls be beautiful or gorgeous everyday.
9) isn't prude

Honestly Kate looks cute af in any picture so just shut up. Who cares if her smile is "fake" (and it's not fake tf 😒) but do you know how many other girls have fake smiles so please so being a bitch to Kate when there are other people that do it. stop acting like she's the only one.👊🏻✋🏻

maddyyy_21’s Profile PhotoMaddy
Ilysm maddy💘

look at your eyebrow and eye

Okay what about them? What are they too far apart? I'm sorry you probably would have gave me shit if there wasn't a space between them . I do that so that my eyes aren't so squinted. Which you ALSO would have given me shit for. If you think you're doing me a favor you fucking not all you are doing is being a bitch and I've had enough shit from you so you can stop now. Thanks
Liked by: bubba Shelby

the thing is . is that is not your real smile its ugly and fake on the pic

Then wtf is my real smile you dick? That's how I have always fucking smiled dumb ass.
Liked by: Shelby Kaila

I don't fucking care adleast I don't look fucking scary with my eyebrow raised 10inches and a diamond shaped fucking smile that's the size of the unvirse.god close your lips no one wants to see and yikes scary maybe u should change that like seriously I don't know why you would want anyone to see it

Okay if you're gonna go out of your way to try and make me feel like crap because of the way I smile you can go fuck yourself you peice of shit. Why do you care how I smile? Did I ever ask for your opinion? Last time I check that answer was a no. So mind your own buisness and I'm pretty tucking sure it doesn't concern you in the way I smile you dumb fuck😂 have a great rest of your night.☺
Liked by: Kaila Shelby


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