

Ask @katherine_120200

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Girl bestfriends ? Boy bestfriends ? Girls you trust ? Boys you trust ? Favorite food ? Prettiest girl you know ? Ugliest girl you know ? Funniest person you know ?

Romy, denzel , rosie mom lauren romy , denzel , deli sanwiches without chesse and hershey cookies and cream on the side , my sister , some bitch that follows me , my brother and father

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Can you truly love more than one person?

No you could only love the right person the one that when you dubb him or leave him he will come back without you being all over him and you could only like famous people thats the closes you could get by liking someone else
Liked by: romyyy

tbh:Rosie ❤️

Rosie omgg what can i say she gets me oddeee tight omg i feel like fucking her up but then at the end of the day i will still love her and she will love me we have our ups and downs but we have known each other for a long timmeee but anyways i love her ❤️❤️❤️❤️

What makes you really nervous?

Test, having a convo with your crush, smelling bad (which i dont ) , and getting dirty


Language: English