

Ask @katiea98

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Is love complicated? Why?

Depends on the circumstances. If you make it complicated, it will be

What do you think should be done to people who create SPAM on the Internet?

They should have to listen to Megan Trainor for hours on repeat because that shits worse than death

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worse fear

Well I'd say dying but that's kinda depressing.
Mostly scared of not getting where I want and not enjoying things in life

What is the most important thing in a relationship?

To trust each other and don't let other people's views or opinions get in the way

why not ?? i like you .. you r amaxing whats the reason jus follow the link on my ask profile .. add me on facebook

You don't even know me I'm guessing?

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

Well I was going to be called Jayden so y'know


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