

Ask @katiefrigginbarnes

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If there were 5 things you could change about this world, what would they be?

1. marriage equality
2. government
3. society
4. world hunger
5. have a day dedicated to tigers. cos tigers are the shit. jah feel?
and more but whateves.

Your always sad. Man the fuck up

lol, alright. rant time.
i can't solve my depression all in one day. i don't choose to be depressed. why the hell would I choose to feel worthless all the time? why would I want to feel like I'm not good enough for anyone? its not that easy. to wake up everyday with a smile on my face when all I want to do is die. to feel like no body cares about me. no matter what they say. its hard to overcome your depression when you have voices in your head telling you you're not good enough or you're not pretty enough. that'd you'd be better off dead. have you ever dealt with that? or have you ever been to the point that you don't care if something bad happens to you? or that you can't even take a shower without bursting into tears for no reason. that if you cut too deep, you wouldn't give two shits about it. because all you want is for the pain to stop. to have the voices in your head to leave you the hell alone because you don't deserve it.
well, I'm at that point. that i don't care anymore. i don't care if something happens to me or if I were to die tomorrow. I've lost all hope now.
& when you start to feel like this, message me because I would love to tell you to "man the fuck up."

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Was there anything good about your day?

Liked by: Oh Hi Emily McKee

May or may not have stalked your ask, but keep your head up, okay? You and Shelby are both perfect, as individuals and a couple. So ignore the bitch asses hiding behind fake profiles.

thank you.(':
Liked by: Oh Hi Emily McKee


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