

Ask @kawtarlaklaty

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ca dure depuis longtemps?.. because it's kinda sad..you need to let go of this emptiness non?

No i don't find it sad at all.. it's a self-pleasing, it's not like you can't live without people arround, you just have to learn how to live indepedent and surround yourself with good vibes.

what do you feel when someone you are used to talk with is gone ?

Actually i don't feel anything, in fact who wants to stay will, who doesn't leave.

oui je comprends ..everything will be alright ..just keep faith and as you said your success is more important right ? :)

Yup it is! thank you for the comforting words, i definitely will. :)

une chose qui t'as rendu triste ces derniers temps ? qlq chose en particulier .. :/

Pleins de choses.. Je ne peux pas révéler plus que ça, j'espère que vous comprenez.

tu es du genre a avoir bcp d'ami(e)s ou bien ton cercle est tres fermé?

Ouais j'en avais plein.. mais je préfère la solitude.


Language: English