

Ask @kaylaraspolichfanpage2441

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Why do I think someone I never thought that was hot is suddenly hot to me?

It happens. I guess your tastes change or maybe you see something in them that you didn’t see before

@kaylaraspolich is so hot

Well I mean that’s obvious. She’s absolutely stunning!
But she’s more than just ‘hot’.
I love her strength. I think it’s awesome how she doesn’t take any crap from anyone.
She’s absolutely hilarious.
Her confidence is absolutely goals.
She knows her worth and doesn’t settle for second best.
In my opinion, she’s the most amazing person ever!
Liked by: Kayla Raspolich
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If there was the most perfect guy and both you and @kaylaraspolich liked him, who’d end up with him?

OMG of course Kayla would!
I wouldn’t even bother trying to compete with her.
And I’d be super happy for her. She deserves the best!

If @kaylaraspolich told you to, which of the following would you do for her? 1) Buy her something 2) Clean her room, 3) Call her Goddess 4) Rub her feet 5) Give her a massage 6) Kiss her 7) Do chores for her 8) make her your phone lock screen 9) give her your jewelry 10) Be her instagram fangirl

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Lol I hate other people’s feet, but yes I’d rub them if she wanted
5) Yes
6) No, I’m straight
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) Yes

What’s your fav thing about @kaylaraspolich

K - Kayla is amazing in every way!
A - Always sweet but also so strong minded.
Y - You’ve never met anyone like her.
L - Loviest eyes!
A - Amazing body.
R - Really REALLY pretty.
A - Always makes me laugh with her answers.
S - She knows her worth!
P - Prettiest smile ever!
O - Out-of-this-world beautiful.
L - Leg shape goals!
I - Incredibly smart.
C - Creative, curvy and cool!
H - Honestly the best everrrr!
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