

Ask @kayleighdillon0915

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If you could wish for something more important than anything else you could have wished for that you truly desire what would it be???

A boyfriend but one will want me 😢😢

I’m a girl : name’s Leni : 16, 17 soon : Single. Wanna talk?

Sure my name is Kayleigh I am 16 years old I will be 17 on September 9th 2003 and I am also Single 💕💕

If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?

This phrase is by cimorelli and it is you're worth it that is what my t-shirt would say 💕💕💕💕💕💕

Aside from all things pumpkin spiced, what is the one thing, if any, you enjoy about the autumn season?

The Cold

what are some ways you manage stress?

just put your headphones on and just jam out to music and like write a book of your favorite thing or something that is how I manage my stress 💕💕


Language: English