
Kayleigh Lewis

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full opinion on me, don't Carr if its bad. say the truth

kerys bryant
We were once best friends, when it was just me and you, just the two of us, no body else mattered, if we were out, it was me and you, if we were going out anywhere, we'd invite each other, meeting a boy, 'Kerys come with me' we use to spend every weekend together, staying out late and doing some daft things. I met you for the first time a year ago, and goodness I wouldn't turn back. But only recently have we started arguing, falling out, not really being best friends, it's heart breaking, but I make you feel like shit, and I deserve that. You're so good to me and I try to be as good as I can to you. Our memories are crazy, so many inside jokes. Without you Lewis&Bryant isn't full, and without me it isn't either, we need each other. But at the moment we aren't on a good page. I don't want to go into 2016 without my best friend but tbqh these past few months it's been up and down, and I've been really upset because of the stuff you've said, it honestly breaks my heart knowing you feel that way about me. You've apologised and it's taking me a while to accept that, I honestly just want this time last year back, when it was just me and you, against the world, this paragraph was never going to be bad, because I have nothing against you, you're perfect, you're my other half, and nothing changes that, I still love you so much, even if I do want to slap you round the face!! Always here for you till the end princess you know that💛💍👭

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