
Kayla Boyd

Latest answers from Kayla Boyd

This really isn't a question but your very gorgeous and we went to middle school together

Thank you very much (:

How do you get over someone you're inlove with???

You're asking the wrong person, I'm still trying I figure that one out :( just try to focus on yourself as much as you can, don't do anything you will regret just because you want to move on or you're hurt. Time is the only thing that can heal the heart but if you're living a positive lifestyle then it makes it a little easier.

What's something every teen should know?

Dream big! Don't allow ANYONE to hold you back from what you truly want to do with your life <3

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

Basically good for the most part, it's their environment and influences that can make them bad if they don't handle it correctly.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

Write, blog, or something that would benefit my career (:

Language: English