

Ask @kehler_bagstad

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Things you love and hate?

-love ask
-Love day old pizza warmed up for 10-15 seconds
-Love g easy
-love subway
-love skiing and basketball
-love tie dye
-love park riding
-Hate ask
-hate chocolate
-hate soccer
-hate the word buds when bud is the proper way to say it
-hate the feeling of going to bed in a hotel after going in the pool (even after you shower its just not right)

Tbh- we've never talked but you seem like a siick guy! I've heard great things about you! We should actually talk sometime? You're attractive and seem kinda sassy. Rate- 9/10

Thanks snap me or something ??
Liked by: •~Paayyytton~•

Not sure what that means but I'll take your word for it. Merry Christmas.

Rocky Mountain House which is a town in Alberta. Merry Christmas man?
Liked by: Jayden


Language: English