
kels ♧ ♧ ♧

Ask @kelspottsxx

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its only sam peters hes nothing special you will find a better boyfriend

I don't think you understand how difficult it is

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why do u hate urself? O_o

First of all, because I'm not perfect. Nobody is. I've upset so many of my friends and I used to be such a nob to everyone. I took Sam for granted & I didn't even notice how much he actually meant to me until he split up with me, now he hates me & I'd do anything to have things the way they were. I also took my best friend for granted and now I've lost her, she meant the world to me aswell. And THIS is why I self harm. Because I hate myself so much I want to hurt myself, I feel like strangling myself most of the time. Its MY fault I've lost Sam, knowing that he doesn't even want to be friends actually kills me. I told him everything. He was always there for me when I was really upset & when I needed him and because of how selfish I was I haven't got him anymore. He's gone. I've lost him. I'm disappointed and disgusted in myself. I despise myself. I let everyone down all the time, take a lot of things for granted. I make LOADS of mistakes, but once their done you can't take them back. I was actually going to put ''inbox me'' but everytime I put that it never happens. So here, anon. This is why I hate myself, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of other people hated me too.

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Post a pic of a nice vans bag

These are the 3 main bags I'm looking at atm, haven't decided which one im getting yet though

Describe yourself??

13, almost 6ft, olive skinned with brown/hazel eyes, brown hair. over dramatic & outgoing. Always smiling & laughing even though a lot of it is fake, single & straight. I get attached easily & I'm not easily influenced. I'm a very honest & open person & I hate bullying, cheaters, dogs, 2 faced people, tuna & planes. My inspiration is Lana Del Rey & I enjoy listening to house/deep house music, indie, rock, heavy metal, ambient, electronica, soul & fro fi music. Quite bitchy tbf, favourite meals Sunday dinner, nicknames are: chicken dinner, kels, kelsos, kesh, graham, clim, Chinatown & Dennis. I always fear the worst things in life & take everything too far (probably because of my anxiety) I often seem to predict things before they happen, mainly when their bad ngl I miss my ex & I regret a lot of things, my closest friends are Kirsty adshead, deana Johnson, jack cheetham, Saul quashie, Sarah robe. They probably know me more than I do myself haha
If you've just read all of that about me you must have so much spare time or you must love me a lot lmfao

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