
Kennedy Vantine

Hello fellow ask people, the FJHS dance team would like to make an announcement none of those questions were from any of us we would never say hateful things about our teams we are just here for team spirit not for popularity and crap we all have a group chat and it's none of us thx for understandin


Latest answers from Kennedy Vantine

kennedy... you seem really sweet and I wish I could meet you

awh this is so sweet❤️❤️❤️❤️

How do you feel about gay/lesbian/bisexual people?

ya know, it really doesn't concern me. Its really not a big deal. we are all people and we love who we love. yes its against gods word but he loves us all and we as people can date, like and love anyone on earth. people just need to learn to respect that.

How was testing this week? What was the best part about it?

well it was the nap i took in the middle of it

Language: English