

Ask @khar9714

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KELLEN I just wanted to tell you that you're the best and thank you so much for being there for me last night. it meant the world. you're amazing and you deserve the best. I wish someone would give it to you... :)

thank you so much and I don't deserve anything (: I'm just doing what I believe in. and ill always be here for you stay strong and kik me♥

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I wish we could be together. U are really good looking. U seem nice and caring and loving. That's all I ever want in a guy which u seem to have unlike most guys that are assholes. U may not think ur perfect but to me u are (:

that was super sweet (: thanks

How do I get a guy to notice me?

the best thing to do is just to talk to him. message him. talk to him in person. text him and just be sweet kind caring and use smiley faces (: a lot. guys like that. and they like it when you compliment us to

So I like this guy like a lot I've liked him since 6th grade. But I waited to long to tell him I like him and now he has a girlfriend. /: What do I do?:(

I've been in this situation and the best thing to do right now is be his friend and be there for him for anything. and then when hes single you can tel him how you feel.
Liked by: Elaina Houser

If a girl told you she wasn't ready to have sex, or wasn't ready for whatever your about to do, what would you do?

I would immediately stop what I was doing, apologize and say "I didnt know and i will respect your decisio. just because you dont want to do something doesn't mean I won't like you less." and I would kiss her and say I'm sorry again

I'm a girl. I want to be in a relationship but no one ever talks to me. It's like I don't exist. And all boys ever want it to have sex...but what if I don't want to?

then be heard get out there and be confident. that is key to guys. and if you dont want sex then tell the guy. be like "I dont really aanna have sex right now" and if he's about to do something you're uncomfortable with just say no please I'm not ready

How can I get a guys attention

be yourself. just talk to them don't change yourself to get noticed. be sweet and funny. be kind and sweet and just talk to us.
Liked by: Elaina Houser hi


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