

Ask @khar9714

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So why do you like her?

there's a lot of reasons: she's so sweet an caring she actually understands me.she cares for me when I'm really upset and when I'm with her she makes me quite happy.she always knows what to say and we have the best memories. even though we met like three weeks ago.at cougar run. any who she's superr amazing and gorgeous and i like to be with her cause no matter what I'm happy. like for real nig.

She's to pretty for you. She could have someone better like me. You're such a fag. And a douche bag.

hahaha no no no you have it reversed. she too good for you. you sir are the douche bag (: nice try though (: don't be a jelly anonymous kid (:

Savannah Cooper?(:

god she's amazing. she's always been there for me through my toughest times and no matter what the fuck I do, she's still by my side. she's gorgeous and so sweet. her and I have known eachother for three years. and we have been nothing but close. I always will remember consumer with her and how fun it was. to the tutor room during 8th (: gosh we have the greatest memories. she's amazing again. I love her so much and i hate the fact that she moved. I'm going to miss her so much. gahh I need to see her I'm going crazy without seeing my besty (: I love you savannah♥

TBH I don't know you that well but you are super sweet and you seem really cute(: I'd be interested in getting to know you better

thanks(: and text me sometime (:

Sorry my teeth couldn't be perfect for you, I didn't know I was on this Earth to please you with my looks. My mom is paying a shit load of money for my braces. So fuck you anon (:

Kendra wheeler
this anon bitch is a pussayyy...

Thank you for loving kendra the way you do, i use to wish it was me that she loved back, but im glad that its not some asshole, im glad its you. take care of her, she is perfect.

thank you and I will buddy. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance but thank you

I'm not cyber bullying I was just making a statement like those are nasty.

"cyber bullying is the use of internet snd other related technologies to harm someone in a deliberate repeated and hostile manor"

Kendra's teeth are fucking disgusting.

no they aren't. you're disgusting for being a CYBER BULLY which is a federal crime. if you want I can have them track you (;


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