

Latest answers from Kiki

Hi everyone! I'm just trying this app, and yeah it's too late hahaha. You can kindly follow me back and ask me some question, maybe about my study, my daily life, or whatever you want to know from me. Anyway masih bingung main ask.fm, mohon panduannya hehe.

Yah ada bu psikolog, ga bisa macem2 lagi deh ini.
skripsi kali ah bimbingan..

PAP of your favorite person?

Nih anak satu bener2 deh
Temenan dari SMP. Dia bisa jadi sosok teman, sahabat, kakak, ibu buat anak2 odek, even 'pacar'.
Telinga yg selalu siap dengerin curhatan ttg apapun, mulut yg sllu ngasih saran atau nasihat. Kadang jdi bidadari penyelamat, kadang juga bisa jadi iblis paling menyebalkan.
Teman paling mengerti dan nerima gue apa adanya. #apaan
pokoknya the best dah. lopelope.

kenapa suka banget sama coldplay?

Their songs are sooo touching. Not only about love but also life. You should listen 'We never change', the lyric is so good and inspiring. Menohok.
and their lyrics are 'ga pasaran'. When you read those lyrics, U feel like you read the poems.
Mereka band cerdas dan musiknya kaya punya aura 'magis'.
Yes, I'm so bathos hahhaha

Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions?

I want to LIVE my life.
Really, literally, live my life.
appreciate what I already have. Keep people around me feel 'gratitude' for having me. Less complain to anything. More working.
etc etc etc

What's the last movie you watched?

inside out hahaha
but it is unfinished bcs my laptop got trouble and appeared blue screen:(

Language: English