
Kikyy J Eko

Ask @kikyymuchu

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hahaha... thanks infonya kak. kkak kalo ditanyain soal kapan lulus? gimana responnya?

Sama sama hihihi gitu aja kok.
Maaf maaf
Tadi pertanyaan nya ap ya ?
Hmm nggak ngerti deh
Pertanyaan nya bisa pake bahasa yang simple aj ?
Liked by: Lely Arfia

ahahaha.... grepein sapose kak? Eh btw renang di singosari resort, berapa kk keceeh😉

Di grepein mbak mbak di pasar haha kan nggak mungkin. Hmm dulu itu masih 35 ribu itu udah including handuk sama minum. Kesana deh bisa sampe jam 7-an juga kok mandi disana haha
Liked by: Nadhira W Lestari

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weekend enaknya dibawa renang apa rileksasi kak???

Tergantung selera sih, tapi aku mending rileksasi aja lebih enak soalnya di grepe' grepe' hahaha

If you could switch places with someone for a day, who would it be?

I'm never gonna switch with anyone.
Everything happens for a reason. So, if I switch everything will not rotate in the same rotation again.
Liked by: lestari buchari

lebih milih mana capek tapi tetap ketemuan sama doi, biar bisa lihat wajah doi atau capek lgsung istirahat?

It's depend on the situation.
Kalo sudah planning bakal ketemuan
Even though i felt so tired, deal is deal. So i'll meet that person.
If nothing's happen than i rather to go to sleep.
Liked by: lestari buchari

Pernah nggk lagi dalam suatu kelompok tapi kamu ngerasa asing ? Rasanya gimana ? Cara ngadepinnya ?

Pernah, semua orang kayaknya pernah juga.
Rasanya, nggak nyaman
Karna berasa bukan berasa di comfort zone nya aku.
Soalnya kita semua bakal ada pada posisi dimana kita merasa asing di satu kelompok, contoh: masuk sekolah hari pertama atau kerja di hari pertama.
jadi pinter pinter nya kita sendiri untuk menjadi seseorang yang menyenangkan dan bisa berbaur, bukan ngerasa asing terus langsung sedih dan minder
Selain itu cara nya adalah
Be kind, Be cool, Be you
Kalo setelah kayak gitu kamu masih ngerasa asing,
Just ignore them, there's something wrong with themselves not yours.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

No, i do not believe. Because i think when you saw someone at the moment and feel like you love her/him believe me it is not, it is just amazed, amazed about her/him look, face or anything else. Because love is the way you build something together from zero to hero, the way you put each other weak into something stronger, the way you like everything that you hate before you knew her/him. You love her/him because you know that her/his heart is bigger that her/his annoying brain and everything about her/him became acceptable for you. That's love.


Language: English