
Kim Lupton✔️

Ask @kimberleylupton

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Okay, shittest mood so sorry!
If he has a girlfriend you leave him alone! You dont go flirting with him with open eyes flicking and twisting your hair, you dont go slap or pinch his arse! You leave him!! I understand girls and boys can be friends but this aint you being friends i know you want him! Well tough shit bitch hes mine! Why flirt with him when im standing right there! Why give me the evils if im giving him a hug or a kiss! Hes my fucking boyfriend so thats what i wanna do! Im not gunna stop hugging, speaking,kissing him because you are there because he is MY BOYFRIEND! You say your over him one minute the next your saying you miss his hugs! Reality check- HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND! Im not fucking invisible i am actually here! No need for you to snapchat him saying you need when im with him and only when i am with him! You dont need to try message him trying to tell something only when we are together so hunni! BACK OFF HE IS MINE NOT YOURS!
Sorry about this shit day at school today😴

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