
Kryscynthia Faustine

Ask @kitiinn

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ga bosen apa single terus ka?

bosen gak bosen sih, tapi sma juga lagi sibuk sibuknya, mending ntar aja nyari pas kuliah:p kalo sekarang ga bosen2 amat soalnya sibuk:p

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How do you like to start your morning?

Alarm rings, stops it, jumps from bed, takes the towel, takes a bath, plays my mobile phone, wears clothes, eats breakfast~ and one more important think is to say 'Thanks God' every morning

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

It's kind of hard but also easy to fall in love with someone just if they stay by my side for long time. But fall out of love once I fall in love is very very hard. It took long time and if it unrequited love, it will be even longer.

What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?

Having a blessed life, get the right life-partner, be succesful and devoted to God.

How can we make the world a better place? What can YOU do to make it a better place?

Study hard and reorganize this world hahaha *just if I am able

SMA tuh biasa bgt sama soal "gosip". Kalo kamu di gosipin, apalagi yang enggak2. kamu gimana?

Gimana ya? Bete banget pastinya, apalagi kalo ga bener dan bukan itu kenyataannya tapi orang2 ngejudge aja gitu. Kesel, tapi gamau terlalu peduli lah~ biarkan aja orang2 itu gatau kejadian sebenernya gimana

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

As a girl, wait for love.
As a boy, wait and look for love.

mau dikasih hadiah apa ?

sebernya lagi pengen banyak haha.
1. sepatu sneakers pink
2. tas sedeng gitu buat jalan2 tapi ransel, sama tas sekolah:')
masih banyak sih tapi mahal2:p
gue mau kok dikasih apa aja asal kepake, jangan boneka/frame foto aja wakakakak. *banyak maunya*
anon siapa sih kepo nih(?)


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