

Ask @kitsun3mi

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What do you think of dressing up pets?

Yo if you're not bothering the animal then i'm all for it!
My little dog doesn't mind it. He gets cold in the winter and tries to find his sweaters himself which is really cute www

Post a picture of your favorite outfit!

Bad picture but !!
I love this outfit. Paint splattered thingy over a huge red turtleneck eyooo
Liked by: clarence

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Are you romantic? Why or why not?

I guess I am ? I really like shipping and mushy songs and anime and stuff. Also I'm queen of bad pick up lines. Also I don't usually get crushes easily but when I do I tend to shower them with attention and affection///////// (MAYBE TOO MUCH?)
I guess so?

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

probably use a self driving car because IM SO BLIND

What is your favorite scent?

I really like the smell of cooking green peppers omfg
but to WEAR, like perfume, I like the smell of flowers or mint ! or minty flowers idk

Do you wear any jewelry?

yessssssss i have two special pieces of jewlery
i have a gold necklace that my mom gave me, and a winged bracelet that my aunt made me
theyre both super cool holla

Who is your main artist inspiration?

Well, though there isn't a lot of obvious influence anymore, I was always seriously inspired by Shidu's art, specifically in the Kagerou series.
Then ofc Hikusa. Hikusa has been a huge inspiration since the day I found her art, and probably will be for a long time !! I'm still not a great artist, but I wouldn't be the artist I am today without her. (DONT TELL HER)
As for my non-anime art, which actually like none of you have seen, I mainly take inspiration from Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and Coraline.
Liked by: Tina Noella Bean

Who is the best movie villain?

Hmm. I think my all time favorite villain, or at least that I can think of, is The Other Mother from Coraline.
She is equally clever and horrifying. She's one of the few villains to scare me. She presents herself in the form of a mother, a figure meant to be warm and comforting but slowly reveals her true self; a vicious and uncaring monster. I love watching the gradual transformation as her disguise chips away with her patience. She is pure evil wrapped in a bow.

Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?


What do you look forward to most this year?

Mmmm making more friends and memories with the ones i have! I know thats such a slice-of-life-anime thing to say but man
im really grateful for all these nice people and i hope to have lots of fun together !

What's your favorite day of the week?

I like Wednesday bc my family leaves for a bit and i can chill on my own but they also come back early so we can go to the mall and stuff !!
I also love Saturdays tho because I can stay up late and draw and junk

What's your favorite dessert?

Thats kind of tough because i love sweets so much!!
Buuuut I'll have to say cheesecake. Especially chocolate! Its light and fluffy but so decadent mmmm.

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

Ehh I try to balance it out? Stay true to my heart, but listen to my brain, too. Cause if I only listened to my brain I wouldn't be happy right now, and if I only listened to my heart I would be either dead/grounded forever so

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

Humanoid androids ig? I mean they're already a thing but I hope they can become more intelligent. So we can like, talk to them and they can learn from us and stuff. It'd be nice to have that kind of thing around, I think.


Language: English