

Ask @kiyapaige

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It's so clear its him that writes the stuff to you on here the beg

How is it? It could be anyone so gtfo and go elsewhere
thnx x x

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Opinion on Adam? Truthfully

Cba to write so yh
he's a good friend,my bestfriend,funny,kind,good looking, he's just great and dead nice. Also a faggot.

Beth salt!

Calm it!
beths nice,pretty,funny,good m8,was a close m8
now i don't know what's crackin off

Well you should know, I asked u Beth and then asked you adam and you answerrd the one about him not Beth's

The Adam question was at the top &i only really talk to one Adam so i asked which Beth, calm dafuq down

If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

Ermmm, listen to music and probably try go to sleep


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