

Ask @kjongin

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3, 24, 28 :3

3. "...will be feeling especially good. Ideally, I'd like to see your..." -feeling good, the new mood therapy
i told my sister to hand me a book, so...
24. i don't necessarily consider this a collection but i like to take hotel pens; my family (especially my dad) stay in hotels a lot and i take the free pens they give, so most of the pens i use are from hotels.
additionally, my family has a magnet collection from the various places we've been :3
28. a very recent "what if" that has been on my mind: i never struck up the courage to talk to this one person, so i keep wondering, what if i had? what would have happened and where would we be now?
a more broad answer for my life: what if i hadn't started playing violin and joined orchestra? it's been such a huge part of my life in so many different ways that i wonder what would've happened if i'd done band or just stuck to the general music and art track.

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Liked by: chels

Rated or non-rated fics?

it depends on my mood and the context tbh. pg and pg-13 are equally good as rated fics, it's all about the writing for me :3

What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

height, face (simply because that's the first thing you generally see)

favorite day for sehun go

are you kidding me i can't pick one but we're gonna try for top 10
120209 120616 120707 121019 121130 120814 120818 120908 121012 130606 130115 130316
honorable mention for 120702
oops that's 12 (13 for honorable mention)

Language: English