
Katlyn Davidson

Ask @kkdavidson

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What is your attitude towards hunting?

Idc if ur shooting some deer or varmint hunting. But when you go to Africa & such if you look up the population left of these animals people don't get that we don't have an unlimited supply so it would actually be greatly appreciated if they could let the population grow over a few years and then go do it. Thinking about yourself because you want to kill something as a prize when the quantity is way too low.

Would you ever consider dating someone else you are still young you know..

It all depends on Dylan. We are still young and stuff if he can make it past 24 & 25 with me then we will think about the settle down. But my mom got married at 19 and she got divorced at 24 and it was because people rush into things and you know what the person you love will change as you grow older I won't ever be like my mom but I've known Dylan for about a year and 3 months I can't make any big time labels but I can say that I don't want anyone else and I never will while I'm in a relationship with him. He makes me 100% but I often can't give that in return look at my past so we will just have to see if he really means I love you. I'm his first girlfriend and me saying that we will last the rest of our life is crazy because he doesn't even know what he wants in life yet. And I don't like saying this but honestly there are better girls out there and I can't change that. So due in time we will see if he can last. ( if not) then I'm going to college partying my ass of with or without him and moving to New Mexico. So it's really whateves but it would be way better if I could do the rest of my life with my bestfriend by my side. Ya feel me?

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I hope you are happy & stuff you don't know me well but just sitting back looking at everyone's stuff on ask you seem like you've been dealing with a lot lately. I wanted to tell you sorry if it means anything. Truly am feeling for you Kk.

thank you so much
Liked by: Sidney watts

Lets gang up and TP them

Why get back and people who already have a shittt life? 😂 if it's revenge it's not some baby stuff like that. Get creative and I can't do it and I'm not asking anyone to do it and my friends won't do it. Has to be your own will


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