
Max Hancock

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Latest answers from Max Hancock

If your dad had a giant robot and wanted you to get inside it to fight monsters, would you do it?

nah i don't even know his phone number

How do you balance time between working on personal projects, or drawing for money and videogames?

Hm I would say I don't balance them well. I don't put a lot of time into personal work or playing video games recently. Go to work, come home and rest a bit, might have some freelance to do. Trying to be healthy and cook at home and exercise more too, so time leftover for personal work is small! Usually I'd rather get out of the house and see some friends if I have to choose between the two.
I often feel like I could be working harder than I do, but the good thing about having an art job is I know I'm always improving. I also know I don't want to be working 24/7. So in general, I guess I just try to take life as it comes.

Do you prefer Japanese culture/society to western?

I don't think one is much better than the other overall. I think when it comes to art, Japanese culture may have a leg up on us, especially when it comes to comic creators getting proper recognition and so on. But I think with the general surge in "indie" creators on all artistic fronts in the US lately, we are catching up quickly.

Whats your most used computer program for work? Also, do you use any open source programs for anything at all?

Zbrush, 3dsMax, Photoshop. You could easily use Blender and Gimp for the latter 2. I do plan on learning Blender in the future so I can help more people learn 3D with accessible software. As for Zbrush though, there's not really a viable free alternative right now.

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